Christmas is a great time to acknowledge and reward loyal employees as it marks the end of a year of hard work that deserves notice. It’s the season of giving, which gives you the opportunity to end your staff’s year on a high note. However, with so many options available for recognizing your employees’ efforts and loyalty, what’s the best way to say, “Thank you?”

If you’re struggling to find a way to reward your staff for their hard work and dedication, take a look below. These suggestions are sure to make the holidays even jollier for your employees

1. Motivate and Incentivize

Motivation tends to dwindle in the latter part of the year, so kick your incentives up a notch by offering high-quality corporate gifts in place of the usual rewards. 

For example, if you usually give things your employees can use or redeem instantly like coffee mugs or gift cards, consider something a little more enticing and long-term like travel vouchers they can use in the new year. Hold a contest or some other goal-oriented event that encourages teamwork and friendly competition to motivate your staff through to the new year and beyond.

2. Provide Flexibility in December

Whether you decide it should be an all-year thing or just a holiday thing, let your employees make their own schedules in December. Flexibility during this time of year is much appreciated, especially when travel and family obligations are on people’s minds. 

Allowing your staff to come in early so they can leave early or work from home entirely in December can help take the pressure off an otherwise chaotic time of year. This is an inclusive employment practice that you may even see the benefit in extending year-round.

3. Give Extra Time Off

The end of the year can be a crazy time for many businesses, but giving your employees extra time off during the holidays can really be a morale booster, contributing to their overall well-being in more ways than one. When workers have a chance to destress and unwind, they tend to be more productive at work and more loyal to boot.

4. Make Salaries Stretch Further

Without a doubt, Christmas is an expensive time of year. With gifts to buy, travel plans to make, and extra food and drink to buy, it’s no wonder people struggle financially once the holidays are over. You can help your employees’ salaries go just a bit further by giving a bonus at Christmas. 

Of course, not every company can afford to just hand out bonus checks, but offering employee discounts and other perks throughout the year lets them know that you value their efforts and appreciate their hard work.

5. Have Fun and Eat Treats

While most of the year is all about work, making time for some fun with coworkers during the holiday season is a must. Whether it’s an office party on the Friday before Christmas or an outside catered Christmas party at a nearby function space, give your employees a chance to let their hair down with their coworkers. This will help them blow off steam and get to know each other on a more personal level. 

Your employees work hard for you all year long, so they deserve some recognition for their efforts. Christmas provides the perfect opportunity to say, “thank you” to your staff for all they do, and the list above offers some methods by which you can express your gratitude in a meaningful way.