The current era of modernization has been consistently paving the way to make manual work more accessible and more efficient. 

It is particularly true for construction companies, as they’re starting to utilize various digital technologies to enhance further transparency, quality, and safety – things for which there are increased demands. 

Cement mixer trucks, nail guns, and hydraulic excavators are standard equipment usually seen in construction sites today. At the same time, they’re also the same tools that weren’t in existence decades ago. 

It’s innovations and technologies like this that constantly empower the construction industry. Without them, room for productivity is also significantly limited. 

Such advancements regarding construction technology have served as a powerful driving force for construction, which is why construction companies have been continuously keeping an eye on new technologies that can allow them to take on more complex projects and enhance work efficiency. 

With these, here are four technologies that can change the construction industry for the next five years.

1. Mobile Applications and Software

The first on the list is software and mobile apps. Nowadays, different software solutions and applications already help in managing certain aspects of construction projects.

Whether you’re dealing with preconstruction, field reporting, or schedule, several available software can help facilitate such processes, thereby improving the quality of work and your productivity as well. 

Furthermore, as most of the software is cloud-based, it also enables you to update or change documents, schedules, and other tools in real-time, simultaneously allowing for better collaboration and communication. 

In this regard, JDE Support makes for a great software solution. In terms of operating and maintaining assets, risk management, project planning, and more, this software can help construction businesses’ immediate needs. 

On the other hand, mobile technology allows you to collect and transmit data in real time without extra hassle. Mobile apps with cloud-based solutions enable employees to easily access work records, expense reports, and other needed information. Such solutions make it possible to organize and save a large amount of data without looking through files just for old reports.

2. Artificial Technology and Machines

Aside from mobile technologies, many construction firms today are already using data to maximize better decision-making and safety while reducing hazards and risks. 

Construction businesses can utilize gathered data to forecast specific outcomes by using artificial technology and machine learning operations. Through this process, they will be able to leverage the competition when bidding on particular projects. 

Not only that, but AI also helps increase productivity by enabling employees to spend their time more efficiently – all without the need to waste it on moving around construction sites to perform their tasks. Here, employees are tracked merely through wearables and smartphones.

3. Virtual Reality

Virtual and augmented reality are among the emerging construction technologies that could significantly impact the construction industry. Such technology can be used on equipment operators and safety training. By utilizing Virtual Reality, construction workers can do their jobs in controlled or safe environments.

Albeit a new construction technology, the idea of VR simulators isn’t mainly foreign to hear. For years, these simulators are already used in soldier, pilot, and surgeon training. In terms of the construction industry, this can also help train workers to operate cranes and do masonry work.

4. Building Information Modeling or BIM

With this process, digital representations of buildings can now be integrated into 3D models. This way, there can be room for better collaboration between project stakeholders and better construction and design of buildings. 

Moreover, changes or updates to BIM models happen in real-time, which is why it facilitates seamless communication to every team member once they access the said model. Also, a visual representation of the construction process can allow for detailed phase-planning in the building, as the schedule can also be simulated. 

Paired with Virtual reality, this kind of immersive visualization can further facilitate efficient communication. Moreover, VR can also lead to more companies using BIM since most VR apps are now using BIM models to create virtual environments.


Nowadays, different companies are now implementing construction technologies for the sake of enhancing productivity and collaboration. This way, they can complete projects on time and within budget, thereby resulting in higher yields. 

These technologies are relatively new in the construction industry, but they are among the advancements you should watch out for if you want to keep up with the competition.