Image of Marriage Certificate

Not all marriages end in a happily ever after note. Some fall out of love and realize that divorce is the best option for both of their partners. When they have children, divorce can be more complicated than those couples who don’t have any kids. Read more about the effects of divorce on kids when you click here.

It is important to note that even if both partners are already divorced, they still have parental responsibility for their children. In cases of unmarried couples, the man still needs to support the child if he claimed and acknowledged that the child was his on the birth certificate.

Responsibilities Change After Divorce

To prevent confusion, the court will decide which parent will make significant decisions and which house the youngster will live. If the child is 12 years old or above, he can choose where he will live without the consent of his mother or father. The one responsible will ensure that all the youngster’s maintenance and needs will be met until he will reach the legal age of 21.

It is important to note that after the process, both of the parents still need to work on the adjustments that the child needs after the separation. It can be an extremely stressful and challenging time for both the parents and the child. There will be changes in the place where they will live, their lifestyles, and a lot more.

If one partner decides to remarry, the kid will be introduced to his new stepmother or stepfather, and this can complicate things. Parents need to keep their kids’ best interests in mind, and they need to create a solid plan on how the responsibilities will be divided, the frequency of visits, and other pertinent details involving their kids.

If one or both of the ex-couples have trouble keeping their conflicts in front of their children, they can always use the help of a mediator or a lawyer to make negotiations. But if both of the parents decide to move on, and the hurt has been healed, they can be at least be civil to each other to show to the children that their future relationships can still be successful even if their parents have broken up.

What You Need to Know About Custody

In many states, there are a lot of laws in place that has the youngster’s best interest in mind. When it comes to divorce and physical placement laws in states such as Wisconsin, a mother or father can decide their children’s religion, education, and other essential aspects.

In some cases, joint legal custody is awarded to both the mother and father because the court thinks that this is the most beneficial decision out there. Joint legal custody may mean that one party can have the final say, and is considered an authority when both of the parties can’t reach an agreement.

Physical Placement

A child may choose his mother or father’s place when it comes to the residence. The person who has physical placement has the right to make daily decisions, and they are responsible for the care and safety while the youngster is in her or his placement.

In states such as Wisconsin, a primary placement is defined as the location where the youngster can stay overnight 75% of the time in a year.

There is shared placement when the youngster can stay on a parent’s house 92 or more days a year. This is considered a shared placement.

There’s also split custody, which is unusual, but it happens. In shared custody, the youngster is split between the mother and father. This can mean that the eldest and the youngest can be together every weekend, or they can spend a considerable chunk of time together when summer days arrive.

If both the parents are on the point of choosing physical placement, they should keep in mind that this decision can impact their kids’ lives forever. They should ask for advice from their attorney or a therapist to make the right decision. In cases of divorce, it is often an excellent idea to get a coordinator involved. The coordinator will address the interest of the youngster in every step of the way, and she can make sure that the process will be smoother.

Protection of the Family

If the cause of divorce is violence, then it is essential to make arrangements early in the separation process. The mother and father must consider each of their histories of violence before deciding scheduled visits. There are times when if the father is the one who gets violent, the arrangements that he will make can include visiting his children while they are inside the mother’s house with supervision.

For better guidance, it is essential to talk to a lawyer who specializes in this field and will want to make sure that your children will not be a casualty to the separation. There are thousands or even millions of children out there who grew up as responsible and healthy adults also if their parents divorced while they were young. The important thing is to take the child’s interest seriously and make decisions accordingly.